artist projects

curator projects


Artist~in~Continuum (2015~19) was a rolling residency programme I co~founded with poet Wayne Holloway~Smith, and directed until 2017. Based at Husk, a café and arts centre in Limehouse, the project grew organically from the space and was designed to build community between local artists, providing time, space and support to develop their creative practice.

2015 ~ 2019
Co-founder, Director (2015~17)
Curatorial, Visual Arts, Exhibitions, Public Programmes, Community Engagement

Husk Creative Space

See Continuum alumna and exhibition programme, 2015~19.


Artist~in~Continuum continued until 2019 under the leadership of Kylie den Engelsman, Lucinda May and Jo Ellison. I was invited back as a resident artist in 2017~18. Read more here.

Husk Creative Space was a project of London City Mission, directed by Billy Fray. Husk Gallery was first established by artist Alastair Gordon.

Curator Project