artist projects

curator projects

Memory Archives

Memory Archives was an innovative approach to working with Black elders living with dementia, using archival material as a reminiscence tool to explore experiences of migration and diaspora. Addressing the lack of culturally~specific dementia care for minoritized communities, the project also aimed to increase access to arts and heritage for underrepresented audiences. In collaboration with Culture&, I designed and delivered both instalments, a public programme in 2019, and a remote offer, responsive to Covid~19, in 2021.

2019 ~ 2022
Associate Curator, Co~Curator
Curatorial, Research, Public Programmes, Community Engagement

Culture&, New Museum School, London Metropolitan Archives, FHALMA (Friends of the Huntley Archives), Unlocking Our Sound Heritage, The British Library, Guildhall Art Gallery, Art UK

“It’s quite enriching... the stories, individual stories, about their journeys from the Caribbean ~ be it Jamaica, St Lucia, Guyana, Grenada ~ all of them coming here and telling their own stories...”

“Today impressed upon me the need for the stories to actually be told and be recorded in some way. And it felt like a safe atmosphere to be able to tell these stories...”

“It helps you to identify yourself in the United Kingdom and not to feel lost, that you’re actually part of the history...”

~ Memory Archives participants, 2019

More about the Memory Archives 2019.

More about the Memory Archives 2021.

Read my Memory Archives Case Study for the Baring Foundation (pg. 10-12).

Read my Memory Archives article for Art UK.


Memory Archives 2019 was a Culture& project, in partnership with the London Metropolitan Archives and Friends of the Huntley Archives (FHALMA).

Memory Archives 2021 was a Culture& project, in partnership with the London Metropolitan Archives, Guildhall Art Gallery and Art UK. Generously supported by the City of London Central Grants Programme, 'Inspiring London through Culture'.

Curator Project