artist projects

curator projects

Making Together

Creative workshops, collaborations, and other forms of making~together are integral to my projects and processes, expanding concepts and drawing~out ideas, inviting dialogue and new perspectives, and nurturing connection and community.

Whether as lead or co~artist, producer, facilitator or host, I endeavour to create an atmosphere of welcome, care, openness and exploration.

Artist, Curator, Educator, Facilitator, Collaborator
Workshops, Creative Learning, Co~Creation, Community Engagement, Public Programmes


“Kirsty is a natural facilitator, her gentle and open demeanour created a safe and inspiring place for our participants, all strangers to each other, to explore new ideas collectively and individually… The workshop was well constructed, the pace well planned and participants were clearly engaged throughout. Kirsty is a pleasure to work with and I look forward to working with her again.”

~ Vikki Jones, Talent Development Manager, UK New Artists

Curator Project